Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Christmas Card

Colorful Frames Christmas
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 29, 2010

my life rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my life is cool. i have a cool school. my family is nice. my christmas stuff is up.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

happy thanksgiveing!

i am so excited for Thanksgiving! i want you to guess what the first word in my song. is and then put your guesses on the comment box. and to give you a hint it is not happy. guess, guess, guess.

song about jesus.words and notes by hannah.

i made up a song better then Rocks are soft.and i am going to sing it at for thanksgiveing at my great grandma price house. and my grandma nina and grandpa eds house. so come family.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


tiger is my cat he is soooooooooo fat

My school

At school we have been learning about cells. we modeled clay this is what we made red blood cells white blood cells and platelets

SISTERS ROCK even if thay are sometimes annoying

sisters are the best. shaylee and lydia I am talking about you

My family

I love my sisters mom and dad. I LOVE YOU GUYS


I know my Savior loves me and lives. He will come again. I will be able to see Him. He is going to come to Earth and we will be able to see His body.

Me and my friends.

This is me, Kathryn, Malissa, Shaylee, and Lydia. WE LOVE CRAZY HAIR!